July 6, 2010

Dwarf Dragon Clan

The Order of Vengeance has been determined to be collection of Dracon Clan survivors who have dedicated themselves to the destruction of all things Elven. They have spent their decades in exile in the harsh Feral Dark of their Ringhold, becoming practiced in surviving in the worst conditions with the threat of hungry predators ever present. The Dwarves of thos Order are stoic and betray no emotion whatsoever, even when faced with their hated nemesis the Elves. They attack in practiced groups and do not falter under the withering fear caused by many of the Devout's demons.

▶ Order of Vengeance

Designer Notes: Dragon Clan Veterans are the last men of this clan. Survivors. The'll get Dragon's Scale Armor upgrade option as well as some new weapons designed only for them. Unit will consist of 7 warriors who can be equiped in different ways, that would give them flexibility. For example you can have Shielders, Spearmen and Two-handed weapons in one unit.
They will be mercenary unit for some Dwarf Clans.

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